Czech Rep - Day 5

English Camp - Tuesday

Bara is leading the camp with her husband Daniel.  She is Marek's daughter.  Marek is one of the Elders of Runway and shared yesterday.  Bara spoke about a time in her life when she was lost and could not find her way.  She had no phone or map.  She was scared, but asked the kids had they ever experienced something like getting lost.  Bara talked about how in life we can feel lost or not know the answers to life's questions.  Whether lost in the woods, or lost in life, what do we do when we are lost, or who do we talk to, or who can we turn to?  Bara shared that the Bible is the true map and we can only turn to God for help.  

Each day we hope to go deeper in conversations with the kids.  After the short lesson, the kids break up into discussion groups and talk about what was shared.  Pray for these kids to be open to have spiritual conversations.  Pray for them to understand that without God they are lost and need salvation in Him.  We want them to understand that God loves them and wants to have a relationship with them.

Discussion group
Watermelon spitting contest
Game - Working to make a shelter
The kids met a mysterious man on the island (the one on the right).  Eventually, after much conversation and solving riddles, we received a map from him to help us on the island. Unfortunately, the map was blank and the kids had to earn diamonds to buy pieces to the map.  Furthermore, because they were not able to get off the island, they had to create a shelter for themselves.

From our team:
Lonnie -
This week God has shown me the power of His love through His children, fellow believers and how wide the world truly is! The Czech believer is so reliant on God's sovereignty. Everything they encounter always ends with "If it is in His plan."  And it is encouraging for myself when I come home to the chaos and speed of American culture and the life of being an adult, I too can say when I meet a problem, "If it is in His plan." Amen!

From Josh - I am so happy to be here in the Czech Republic.  The kids in the beginner English classes were so excited and willing to learn English words.  The advanced English class was so willing to have a great conversation about the English topics we had for them to learn.  Both classes loved the different games we played with them.  This trip has made my love for Jesus Christ grow spiritually in an impactful way.  Meeting the Czech team and kids has opened my mind and heart to serve people even more in my life.  I am so thankful and grateful to be in CZ to experience God's love and grace in Jesus Christ.

From Noah - Being raised in the Bible Belt, Christianity and going to church is just a part of the culture.  But here it's so different.  Here if you're a Christian you're not like everyone else, you are truly counter cultural. As a Christian in Czech Republic, you are set apart.  That's what God calls us to be.  So it's just really inspiring to see people who are on fire for God and disconnect from the spiritual outside world.  And getting to serve with them is just amazing and really changes your perspective on life.

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