Czech Rep - Day 3

Worship at Brno Baptist & Church Plant - Runway

In the morning we attended Brno Baptist church (top picture).  It was a dear joy to see these dear brothers and sisters again.  Pastor Stephen was able to share some encouragement from John 13:31-35, and challenged the Brno church to continue to serve and love others the way Jesus did.

I was able to preach more on this topic on Sunday evening at the Runway church plant (2nd picture) in Bystrc.  These dear brothers and sisters are our extended family.  They are working diligently to continue the vision of planting a healthy sustainable church in Bystrc.  It was a joy to encourage them from John 13 to love and serve others in humility.  We also got to share the Lord's Supper with them (3rd picture).  This was a special time.  There is a young lady that has been attending the youth group at the church plant and she recently trusted in the Lord as her Savior.  There are others that are attending, and God is working in their hearts to bring them to salvation.  Pray for Bára as she grows in her new faith.  

As you can see in the picture the church plant has a very small space.  They have the opportunity to potentially buy a space that used to be a restaurant. This would provide more space for them.  It is a lot of money and Satan is fighting them.  Pray for unity in the main church as the decision to buy this space must come from the main church.  Pray for God to provide financial resources.  Pray for wisdom for the leaders of the church as they seek the Lord's will in this endeavor. 

Prepping for Camp

This afternoon we finished setting up tents for the English camp to start tomorrow.  The camp is all day from 7:30 to 4:30.  We will teach English, kids will do crafts, there will be games, and most importantly there will be opportunities to share the gospel with the kids and talk to them about Jesus.  Pray for us to have favor with the kids as we build relationships with them.  Many of the kids that attended camp last year are coming back and this is great for relationships.  We set up a few tents for the activities.  Kids will be competing in 4 teams to get to the Olympics.  There will be challenges along the way, they will learn that God can help them through any challenge they face. 

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