Mother's Day Out

Early Learning Center

since 1991

Taylor Road Baptist Church's Early Learning Center has been a cornerstone of safe and enriching childcare since its establishment in 1991. Our program upholds the institution's longstanding commitment to delivering age-appropriate and captivating experiences for young learners.

The Early Learning Program holds dual objectives. Firstly, it affords parents the chance to entrust their children to a secure and nurturing environment consistently each week. Secondly, the program aims to foster independence in young children as they navigate the process of separation from their parents and engage in group interactions.

Children at Taylor Road Baptist Church's Early Learning Center will participate in a diverse array of activities, including art, music and movement, outdoor play, story time, and arts & crafts. The daily schedule is thoughtfully crafted to cater to the evolving needs of children as they progress from infancy to toddlerhood and beyond. Allowing children to explore at their own pace and comfort, each day's plan includes a mix of active and quiet times, facilitating socialization with both peers and adults.

Furthermore, our Early Learning Center ensures a comprehensive experience by providing an age-appropriate curriculum, meticulously crafted in-house to enhance the growth and development of young minds. This integrated approach aims to create an environment where children can thrive socially, emotionally, and academically.

Join us Monday through Thursday, from 9 am to 1 pm for our regular sessions, and for those looking for extended care, we offer early drop-offs at 7:30 am and extended hours until 2:30 pm. Discover a loving community where early learning meets growth, guided by the values of Taylor Road Baptist Church.
Upcoming Events
March 3rd-6th:Dr. Seuss Week
  • Mixed up Monday (wear mixed up clothing)
  • Top Hat Tuesday (Wear your favorite Hat!)
  • Wacky Wednesday (Wear your wackiest shirts and socks)
  • Theodore Thursday (Dress as your Favorite Dr. Seuss Character).
March 10th: Tuition Due
March 13th: St. Patrick’s Day Celebration
March 17th-20th: Spring Break
March 24th-27th: Sprint Themed Crafts
April 1st: Music and Movement Day
April 10th: Tuition is Due
April 8th-11th: Art Extravaganza
April 18th: Gardening Day Earth Day Celebration
April 22nd: Nature Scavenger Hunt
April 23nd: Growing Butterflies Project starts
May 1st: Family Picture Show and Tell (Send a picture to school. They will not be returned.)
May 8- Muffins with Mom
May 10 - Tuition is due
May 15- Move up Celebration for K3 12:30 in Worship Center.
Graduation for K4  6:30 in Worship Center.
May 19-Donuts with Dad
May 21- Movie Day
May 22nd-Last day of school (bubbles and bounce day)

The 2025-2026 School Year will start  August 12, 2025

Please check our google doc daily!
The link can be found outside your child's classroom.

Upcoming Events

Contact our Staff