Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

The engine that powers the core of Taylor Road is Missions and Service. We are called by Jesus himself to go to the nations to make disciples, and it is our mission to be a Sending church by which the Good News is shared.

Encourage our active missionaries

Write and encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.

Local Missions & Service

Reality and Truth Ministries

Taylor Road partners with Reality & Truth to feed the homeless in Montgomery, AL.  Volunteers are needed to serve food, pray with, and minister to the individuals and families who are there to receive a meal. 

Local Missions & Service

Samaritan Inn Ministry

Samaritan Inn Ministry provides short-term lodging for families living outside the tri-county area. These families may be traveling through our area and have a medical emergency or have a relative in one of the area’s health facilities. Volunteers are essential to the success of the ministry endeavors of Samaritan Inn Ministry. In times of crises, it is the director and/or volunteers who give hope and healing through compassion, caring and concern. The actual provision of a Christian volunteer to each family is the most important part of this ministry.
For more information on how you can volunteer, email or call Debbie Jones - (334) 201-6868 /

First Choice Women's Medical Center

First Choice Women's Medical Center (first started as Sav - A - Life Montgomery) is a non - profit Christian ministry whose vision is to reach the abortion - vulnerable in our community in the name of Christ to make life their first choice. We provide free and confidential pregnancy testing, ultrasound confirmation, parenting education, and post-abortion ministry.  We work to stand beside women who are facing unplanned pregnancies and difficult situations, empowering them to make a decision for life and sharing the hope of the Gospel with them.

Local Missions & Service

Taylor Road Prison Ministry

Taylor Road is connecting our lives with the men and women who are incarcerated. Each person whether behind bars or not, are all made in the image and likeness of God. In 2018, our prison ministry team began ministering to inmates incarcerated across the River Region. Prior to the 2020 COVID pandemic, we were ministering in seven different facilities. Slowly, as restrictions have been lifted, our prison ministry team has been able to gain access to more facilities and hold indoor worship services. Each volunteer must meet the State Guidelines and Training to enter any facility. If you would like more info in Prison Ministry please contact Billy Arrighi,

Partner Churches

Partnering in the Gospel means Partnering with other churches

Imago Dei Church @ the 45 is a church plant in White Hall, Alabama in Lowdnes County. 
House of Hope, Children's home in Satu Mare, Romania that is a ministry of Mihai and Dana Miceula

Missions Blog

NYC Wednesday & Thursday
March 21st, 2025
The last couple days of our time here in NYC have been busy! But that’s exactly what we came here to be! We’ve served in schools, helped organize and make Easter eggs. We’ve given out hotdogs and popcorn to the community. We’ve given out food at a pantry. We’ve given out coffee and pancakes. And in all of it, we were able to be the hands and feet of Jesus, loving and serving the community of Bushw...
NYC Monday & Tuesday
March 18th, 2025
“We don’t simply go to church - We are the church and exist for the world.”One of Swerve Church’s values is SERVE OUR COMMUNITY. Swerve Church exists to be the hands and feet of Jesus to its neighbors. It is our privilege to be those hands and feet for Swerve. Whether it’s painting apartment floors, organizing school supplies, or handing out free snacks and invitations, we are able to play a small...
NYC Sunday
March 16th, 2025
Thank you for the prayers! We arrived safely yesterday! Last night we enjoyed Time Square and got settled in our housing for the week. This morning we worshiped with Swerve Church, the local church plant we’ll be serving this week! Please be praying that God will use us to impact the Bushwick, Brooklyn community. Swerve Church are the soldiers on the front line. We are here to assist them in any w...
NYC travel day
March 15th, 2025
New York City Student Mission Team Pray with us as our student team travels to NYC today. This week they will be serving in the Bushwick neighborhood at Swerve Church. Pray for the local people to be open to speaking and hearing the gospel this week. Check back for daily updates!!......
Czech Rep - Day 8
July 26th, 2024
We have come to the last day of camp! Pavel Jr. - on the right (who is the son of one of the Elders of Runway - Pavel Sr., who led us in the Lord's Supper at the church plant) shared about a time when he had an emergency on the side of a mountain and had to call for a helicopter to rescue his friend. He shared with the kids that the helicopter came and the rope was too short, so they called a...