Our Story
In 1984, God strategically placed Taylor Road Baptist Church in the fertile soil of East
Montgomery. Only God knew, then, how East Montgomery would change and explode in
growth over the next three decades. Taylor Road Baptist Church was not planted for the
purpose of being a club for the religious. It was planted to be a hospital for sinners. Nearly
forty years ago, the desire of Taylor Road Baptist Church was to reach the lost for Jesus. The
mission mattered most then and it matters most now.

Expanding the vision...
In just a couple of years, our church will celebrate its fortieth birthday. What if God has been
preparing us and is preparing us now to give birth to a new work? What if, in the next three,
four, or five years we were to do what was done in 1984 on Taylor Road? What would it look
like if we, as individuals committed ourselves to multiplying through discipleship and we, as
a church, committed ourselves to multiplying into a new congregation somewhere in the
River Region?
Where we are headed...
I believe with all my heart that God is preparing us to plant a church. The mission matters
most and our church is to be a missionary-sending agency in Montgomery, in Alabama, and
to the nations.
-Dr. Daniel Atkins
Senior Pastor
-Dr. Daniel Atkins
Senior Pastor

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 9:00am.